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Tarste :: TUBING-PIPE :: 2-3/8 to 4-1/2

API standard Casing and Tubing, new price updated, feel free to get a quotation.

Tarste Company Mill

2-3/8 to 4-1/2

Materials download:


Weight Outside Diameter Wall Thickness Type of End Finish
T&C Non-Upset T&C External Upset in mm in mm J55 K55 L80 N80 P110
2 3/8 4.00 - 2.375 60.3 0.167 4.24 PN PN PN -
4.00 4.70 0.190 4.83 PNU PNU PNU PNU
5.80 5.95 0.254 6.45 - PNU PNU PNU
6.60 - 0.259 7.49 P P P -
7.35 7.45 0.336 8.53 PU PU PU -
2 7/8 6.40 6.50 2.875 73.02 0.217 5.51 PNU PNU PNU PNU
7.80 7.90 0.276 7.01 - PNU PNU PNU
8.60 8.70 0.308 7.82 - PNU PNU PNU
9.35 9.45 0.340 8.64 - PU - -
10.50 - 0.392 9.96 - P - -
11.50 - 0.440 11.18 - P - -
3 1/2 7.70 - 3.500 88.9 0.216 5.49 PN PN PN -
9.20 9.30 0.254 6.45 PUN PUN PUN PUN
10.20 - 0.289 7.34 PN PN PN -
12.70 12.95 0.375 9.53 - PUN PUN PUN
14.30 - 0.430 10.92 - P - -
15.50 - 0.476 12.00 - P - -
17.00 - 0.530 13.46 - P - -
4 9.50 - 4.00 101.6 0.226 5.74 PN PN PN PN
11.00 0.262 6.65 PN PN PN PN
4 1/2 12.60 12.75 4.500 114.3 0.271 6.88 - P - -
15.20 - 0.337 8.56 - P - -
17.00 - 0.380 9.65 - P - -
18.90 - 0.430 10.92 - P - -
21.50 - 0.500 12.70 - P - -
23.70 - 0.560 14.22 - P - -
26.10 - 0.630 16.00 - P - -


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Author: Prince Anokwuru
Permission to request for quote or prices. This because I frequently receive inquiries from clients on various grades of pipes

Author: Jim C
We are looking for the following quote:

8 5/8 casing: New 8700’ J-55 STC API Range 3
5 ½ casing: New 86,000’ J-55 15.5 lb/ft, LTC Range 3
4 ½ casing: New 53600’ J-55 10.5 lb/ft LTC Range 3.

Tubing :

2 7/8: New 50,000’ 6.5 lb/ft J-55 R-2 8 round API

2 3/8: New 40,000 4.7 lb/ft J-55 R-2 8 round API

2 3/8: New 15,000' Seal Tite 4.7 lb/ft J-55 R-2 8 round API

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